It may seem incredibly obvious, but some landlords don’t make the effort to present their investment property in the very best light. It’s a big mistake and can result in not obtaining the highest rent possible.
When putting your property on show and up against other properties on the rental market, you hope that someone will choose yours and pay an excellent rental. You’re showcasing your property, so you want it to look its very best. You want the gardens to look well-manicured and cared for, the exterior to look crisp, clean and inviting and the interior to feel bright, airy and inviting.
There are many things you can do on your own. Failing to do these things though, will not only reduce your achievable rental figure, but may also cause your investment property to not be considered. After all, if you haven’t attended to minor issues like a broken doorknob, or clean carpets, a potential tenant may wonder whether maintenance issues will be attended to at all. The cost of repairing these issues may be small and will go a long way to attracting great tenants.
By putting in some hard work ahead of presenting your property on the rental market, you stand to reap great rewards…potentially far greater than either the money or time it cost you in the first place.
With your property presented at its best, it is absolutely necessary to have professional photography taken to use throughout the marketing process.
During the months of February & March 2013, mention this blog and we’ll pay for your professional photographs. So register your details at:
Watch this video for further information: